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Are the movies we loved in our youth still any good? Find out with industry pros! Listen straight through, or pause the show and watch along with us if audience participation floats your boat. We won’t be able to hear you yelling about our wrong opinions, but we will read your reviews on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, or your tweets! @LetsRewatch

Jul 27, 2018

Released in Japan in April of 1978, with 123hp, and a 2.0 L 12-valve SOHC inline-6 engine, Toyota's Supraman had the power to transport you between any two ground-based locations in luxury and comfort, given a paved road and enough unleaded fuel for the journey. Starring Christopher Reeve as the titular half-man half-automobile, Margot Kidder as his gearhead passenger, Gene Hackman a bicyclist, and Marlon Brando playing Kiichiro Toyoda. Join us as we party at San Diego Comic-Con and meet with some of our friends and fans!

Starring Nick Keller, Ash Blodgett, Bret Eagleston, Samantha Willson, and guest starring Mitch Punpayuk, Marshall Vandruff, and Dalex Miller