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Are the movies we loved in our youth still any good? Find out with industry pros! Listen straight through, or pause the show and watch along with us if audience participation floats your boat. We won’t be able to hear you yelling about our wrong opinions, but we will read your reviews on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, or your tweets! @LetsRewatch

Oct 19, 2018

I wouldn’t change places
With anyone tonight
We’ll carve pumpkin faces
And watch the witch’s flight

Every human heart will shudder
Every soul will shake with fear
Tonight, the creepiest
Tonight, the scariest
Tonight, the most wonderful night
Oh-uh, night

Anything can happen on Halloween

Starring Nick Keller, Ash Blodgett, Bret Eagleston, Samantha Willson, and guest starring Mitch Punpayuk of Geek Elite Radio @mitchipediager